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Bibles for Nicaragua



Bibles for Nicaragua is a project to give the scripture without cost to every home in Nicaragua. It is the collaboration of individuals, churches and ministries working together united to achieve this goal. Going sistematically house to house, city by city, we are reaching every home in this country. We believe that as the people of Nicaragua read and apply the scripture to their lives, their communities will be also transformed, and Nicaragua will be changed and blessed.





Nicaragua is at a unique, providential moment in time. How? For the first time in history, the majority of Nicaraguan can read. This is afundamental condition for the Scripture to have their full effect on society. Also for the firs time ever, all churches, incuding the Catholic Church, encourage all bilievers to read the Bible.


But this is not all. Nicaragua is the only country that has an annual national holiday dedicated to the Bible. (The Day of the Bible is celebrated the last Sunday  in September)

We who live in Nicaragua are seeing tremendous openness and hunger for God and the Scripture.

Now is the time for the Body of Christ to rise up and sow the Word.

How can I participate?


Unite with other believers in your church to ask God to prepare the heart of Nicaraguans to provide the Bibles, and get them to every Family.

2. GO

Make arrangenments to organize or join a short-therm outreach team with a mission focus on Bibles for Nicaragua. Going door to door with Nicaraguan Christians, meeting people where they live, and giving a gift that can change a life forever.

This can be the most fulfilling outreach experience. For more info, please contact us at:


Bibles for Nicaragua subsidizes the cost of purchasing Bibles for Nicaraguan churches and ministries that are participating in the proyect. Three dollars purchase a Bible and deivers it to a Nicaraguan Family that otherwise would have no acces to the Scripture. This is a great investment in the future of a Nation.

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